



今、通貨は文字列で定義されている。Java版だとStringだ。私のRustのコードだと、ここが&'static strになっている。

Rustの&strはヒープに確保された領域に書き込まれたUTF-8シーケンスに対する参照、というかポインタだ。そして、&'static strは文字列リテラル、つまりプログラム開始時に特別な領域に作られて、プログラム中で共有される文字列に対するポインタなので、プログラム中のどの"USD"も厳密に同じアドレスを指すポインタになる。

そして、メソッドの引数の型が&'static strしか受け付けないということは、そのように絶対に無くならない領域に対するポインタしか受け付けませんということになる。非常にRustらしくて面白い。面白いんだけど、&'static strは長いし、ずっと同じアドレスということはもうそれは文字列である必要は全然ないんで、ちゃんと列挙型にしてやるべきだろう。タイプミスもちゃんとコンパイルエラーになるし。


enum Currency {




error[E0369]: binary operation `<` cannot be applied to type `Currency`
  --> src/main.rs:14:16
14 |         if one < another {
   |            --- ^ ------- Currency
   |            |
   |            Currency
   = note: an implementation of `std::cmp::PartialOrd` might be missing for `Currency`


error[E0277]: `Currency` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Debug`
  --> src/main.rs:31:5
31 |     currency: Currency,
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Currency` cannot be formatted using `{:?}`
   = help: the trait `std::fmt::Debug` is not implemented for `Currency`
   = note: add `#[derive(Debug)]` or manually implement `std::fmt::Debug`
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::fmt::Debug` for `&Currency`
   = note: required for the cast to the object type `dyn std::fmt::Debug`


error[E0277]: the trait bound `Currency: std::clone::Clone` is not satisfied
  --> src/main.rs:31:5
31 |     currency: Currency,
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::clone::Clone` is not implemented for `Currency`
   = note: required by `std::clone::Clone::clone`


error[E0369]: binary operation `!=` cannot be applied to type `Currency`
  --> src/main.rs:66:26
66 |         if self.currency != other.currency {
   |            ------------- ^^ -------------- Currency
   |            |
   |            Currency
   = note: an implementation of `std::cmp::PartialEq` might be missing for `Currency`


error[E0277]: the trait bound `Currency: std::cmp::Eq` is not satisfied
   --> src/main.rs:107:19
107 |             rate: HashMap::new(),
    |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::cmp::Eq` is not implemented for `Currency`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::cmp::Eq` for `(Currency, Currency)`
    = note: required by `std::collections::HashMap::<K, V>::new`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Currency: std::hash::Hash` is not satisfied
   --> src/main.rs:107:19
107 |             rate: HashMap::new(),
    |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::hash::Hash` is not implemented for `Currency`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::hash::Hash` for `(Currency, Currency)`
    = note: required by `std::collections::HashMap::<K, V>::new`


#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub enum Currency {



impl Currency {
    fn get_pair(one: Currency, another: Currency) -> (Currency, Currency) {
        if one < another {
            (one, another)
        } else {
            (another, one)


bank.add_rate(Currency::CHF, Currency::USD, 2.0);


use self::Currency::*;


bank.add_rate(CHF, USD, 2.0);


use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {}

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub enum Currency {

impl Currency {
    fn get_pair(one: Currency, another: Currency) -> (Currency, Currency) {
        if one < another {
            (one, another)
        } else {
            (another, one)

use self::Currency::*;

pub trait Expression {
    fn reduce(&self, to: Currency, bank: &Bank) -> Result<Money, &'static str>;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Money {
    amount: f64,
    currency: Currency,

impl Money {
    pub fn dollar(f: f64) -> Money {
        Money {
            amount: f,
            currency: USD,

    pub fn franc(f: f64) -> Money {
        Money {
            amount: f,
            currency: CHF,

    pub fn times(&self, multiplier: f64) -> Money {
        Money {
            amount: self.amount * multiplier,
            currency: self.currency,

    pub fn add(&self, other: &Money) -> Sum {
        Sum {
            augend: self.clone(),
            addend: other.clone(),

impl PartialEq for Money {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Money) -> bool {
        if self.currency != other.currency {
        } else {
            self.amount == other.amount

impl Expression for Money {
    fn reduce(&self, to: Currency, bank: &Bank) -> Result<Money, &'static str> {
        let rate = bank.get_rate(self.currency, to);
        match rate {
            Some(r) => Ok(Money {
                amount: self.amount / r,
                currency: to,
            None => Err("Never set rate these currencies"),

pub struct Sum {
    augend: Money,
    addend: Money,
impl Expression for Sum {
    fn reduce(&self, to: Currency, _: &Bank) -> Result<Money, &'static str> {
        Ok(Money {
            amount: self.augend.amount + self.addend.amount,
            currency: to,

pub struct Bank {
    rate: HashMap<(Currency, Currency), f64>,

impl Bank {
    pub fn new() -> Bank {
        Bank {
            rate: HashMap::new(),

    pub fn add_rate(&mut self, from: Currency, to: Currency, r: f64) {
        let pair = Currency::get_pair(from, to);
            .insert(pair, if pair.0 == from { r } else { 1.0 / r });

    pub fn get_rate(&self, from: Currency, to: Currency) -> Option<f64> {
        if from == to {
            return Some(1.);

        let pair = Currency::get_pair(from, to);
            .map(|i| if pair.0 == from { *i } else { 1.0 / *i })

    pub fn reduce<T: Expression>(&self, source: &T, to: Currency) -> Result<Money, &str> {
        source.reduce(to, self)

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_multiplication() {
        let five_d = Money::dollar(5.);
        assert_eq!(Money::dollar(10.), five_d.times(2.));
        assert_eq!(Money::dollar(15.), five_d.times(3.));

    fn test_equality() {
        assert_eq!(Money::dollar(5.), Money::dollar(5.));
        assert_ne!(Money::dollar(5.), Money::dollar(6.));
        assert_eq!(Money::franc(7.), Money::franc(7.));
        assert_ne!(Money::franc(7.), Money::franc(6.));

        // 通貨が違うので、一致しない。
        assert_ne!(Money::franc(5.), Money::dollar(5.));

    fn test_currency() {
        assert_eq!(USD, Money::dollar(1.).currency);
        assert_eq!(CHF, Money::franc(1.).currency);

    fn test_simple_addition() {
        let five = Money::dollar(5.);
        let sum = five.add(&five);
        let bank = Bank::new();
        let reduced: Money = bank.reduce(&sum, USD).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(Money::dollar(10.), reduced);

    fn test_add_returns_sum() {
        let five = Money::dollar(5.);
        let sum = five.add(&five);
        assert_eq!(five, sum.augend);
        assert_eq!(five, sum.addend);

    fn test_reduce_sum() {
        let sum = Sum {
            augend: Money::dollar(3.),
            addend: Money::dollar(4.),
        let bank = Bank::new();
        let result = bank.reduce(&sum, USD).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(Money::dollar(7.), result);

    fn test_reduce_money_different_currency() {
        let mut bank = Bank::new();
        bank.add_rate(CHF, USD, 2.0);
        let result = bank.reduce(&Money::franc(2.0), USD).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(Money::dollar(1.0), result);

        // ドルをドルに変更する
        let result2 = bank.reduce(&Money::dollar(2.0), USD).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(Money::dollar(2.), result2);

    fn test_get_rate() {
        let mut bank = Bank::new();

        // 未登録の場合にはNoneが返る
        assert!(match bank.get_rate(CHF, USD) {
            None => true,
            _ => false,

        // 登録したらそれが取れる
        bank.add_rate(CHF, USD, 2.0);
        assert_eq!(2.0, bank.get_rate(CHF, USD).unwrap());

        // 逆順に取得したら、逆数が取れる
        assert_eq!(0.5, bank.get_rate(USD, CHF).unwrap());

    fn test_get_pair() {
        assert_eq!((CHF, USD), Currency::get_pair(CHF, USD));
        assert_eq!((CHF, USD), Currency::get_pair(USD, CHF));

    fn test_add_rate() {
        let mut bank = Bank::new();

        // 初回登録
        bank.add_rate(CHF, USD, 2.0);
        assert_eq!(2.0, bank.rate[&(CHF, USD)]);

        // 上書き登録すると書き換えられる
        bank.add_rate(CHF, USD, 4.0);
        assert_eq!(4.0, bank.rate[&(CHF, USD)]);

        // 逆数でも登録できる
        bank.add_rate(USD, CHF, 4.0);
        assert_eq!(0.25, bank.rate[&(CHF, USD)]);